At the heart of our mission as a non-profit society publisher, we uphold the values of recognising, publishing, and promoting excellence in the field of science. In commemoration of outstanding scientific contributions and the researchers who contribute to them, we are pleased to present the most cited articles from each of our journals in the year 2022.

Researcher excited and smiling at her laptop

Philosophical Transactions A

Philosophical Transactions A publishes high quality theme issues on topics of current importance and general interest guest-edited by leading authorities, but within the physical, mathematical and engineering sciences.

The journal’s top-cited paper, Cold atoms meet lattice gauge theory by Maciej Lewenstein and colleagues, explores quantum field theory models in particle physics by substituting fermionic matter with bosonic matter.

This article is part of the theme issue ‘Quantum technologies in particle physics’.

Abstract image of an atom and quantum waves.

Philosophical Transactions B

Continuing its long history of influential scientific publishing, Philosophical Transactions B publishes high quality theme issues on topics of current importance and general interest within the life sciences, guest-edited by leading authorities and comprising new research, reviews and opinions from prominent researchers.

It’s top-cited article, The establishment and maintenance of dominance hierarchies by Elizabeth A. Tibbetts, Juanita Pardo-Sanchez and Chloe Weise, explores how different species establish and sustain hierarchies, highlighting future research possibilities,

This article is part of the theme issue ‘The centennial of the pecking order: current state and future prospects for the study of dominance hierarchies’.

Chickens peck each other during competition

Proceedings A

Proceedings A publishes articles across the chemical, computational, Earth, engineering, mathematical, and physical sciences. The journal publishes research papers, as well as short reviews containing original and interesting new ideas.

The top-cited article from this journal, Ensemble-SINDy: Robust sparse model discovery in the low-data, high-noise limit, with active learning and control by U. Fasel, J. N. Kutz, B. W. Brunton and S. L. Brunton, breaks new ground in discovering nonlinear dynamical systems from raw data.

Big data technology and data science illustration. Data flow concept. Querying, analysing, visualizing complex information. Neural network for artificial intelligence. Data mining. Business analytics.

Proceedings B

Proceedings B is the Royal Society’s flagship biological research journal, accepting original articles and reviews of outstanding scientific importance and broad general interest. 

It’s top-cited article, 'Inert' ingredients are understudied, potentially dangerous to bees and deserve more research attention by Edward A. Straw, Linzi J. Thompson, Ellouise Leadbeater and Mark J. F. Brown, reveals 19 studies where 'inert' ingredients in agrochemicals caused bee mortality, synergistic effects, and colony impacts.

Bee on a flower

Royal Society Open Science

Royal Society Open Science is an open journal publishing high-quality original research across the entire range of science on the basis of objective peer-review, welcoming the submission of all high-quality science including articles which may usually be difficult to publish elsewhere, such as replications or those that include negative findings. 

It’s top-cited paper, Integrated phylogenomics and fossil data illuminate the evolution of beetles by Chenyang Cai, Erik Tihelka and colleagues, reveals a new dated beetle phylogeny, based on 57 carefully selected fossil calibrations - the highest number used to date.

Beetle on a leaf


Interface welcomes articles of high-quality research at the interface of the physical and life sciences, providing a high-quality forum to publish rapidly and interact across this boundary, and it is one of the only journals to cover this exciting new territory. 

The top-cited paper from this journal, Dynamics on higher-order networks: a review by Soumen Majhi, Matjaž Perc and Dibakar Ghosh, highlights the novel aspects of higher-order networks and their impact on synchronization phenomena, contagion processes, cooperation evolution, and consensus formation.

Global network

Interface Focus

Each Interface Focus themed issue is devoted to a particular subject at the interface of the physical and life sciences. Formed of high-quality articles, they aim to facilitate cross-disciplinary research across this traditional divide by acting as a forum accessible to all. 

The Journal’s top-cited article, COVID-19: the case for aerosol transmission by Raymond Tellier, explores studies on bioaerosol physiology, detection of infectious virus in exhaled bioaerosols, and experiments demonstrating the virus's persistence in aerosols.

Covid particles

Biology Letters

Launched in response to the need from the community for short and rapid communications, Biology Letters is an online, peer-reviewed journal that publishes short, high-quality articles, reviews and opinion pieces from across the biological sciences. 

It’s top-cited paper, Social ageing: exploring the drivers of late-life changes in social behaviour in mammals by Erin R. Siracusa, James P. Higham, Noah Snyder-Mackler and Lauren J. N. Brent, encourages uncovering the physiological, ecological, and evolutionary drivers of social ageing to better integrate sociality into our understanding of the ageing process.

Group of monkeys

Open Biology

Open Biology is a fully open access journal that welcomes original, high impact research in cell and developmental biology, molecular and structural biology, biochemistry, neuroscience, immunology, microbiology and genetics.

The journal’s top-cited paper, Fibroblast growth factor receptor signalling dysregulation and targeting in breast cancer by Chiara Francavilla and Ciara S. O'Brien, explores the diverse roles of FGFRs and their regulatory elements, which may unveil new treatment approaches for breast cancer patients.

Cancer cells

Our journals continue to achieve high levels of citations and downloads year on year. Find out more about the benefits of publishing with the Royal Society.


Image credits: 

Main image: Xavier Lorenzo, iStock

Philosophical Transactions A: © European Union, 1995-2021

Philosophical Transactions B © fzant, iStock

Proceedings A: © NicoElNino, iStock

Proceedings B: © Pixabay

Royal Society Open Science: © Pixabay

Interface: © NicoElNino, iStock

Interface Focus: © wildpixel, iStock

Biology Letters: © Pixabay

Open Biology: © Sebastian Tomus, Shutterstock


  • Rachel Gladman

    Rachel Gladman

    Marketing Executive, Publishing