The Royal Society Advisory Committee on Mathematics Education (RS ACME)

The Committee oversees the Society’s work providing authoritative and considered advice on high-level, cross-cutting issues in mathematics education and beyond. 

RS ACME is made up of high-level experts with an interest in mathematical and quantitative education from the Fellowship, classroom, research and industry. The RS ACME is a committee of the Royal Society comprised of eight members and is Chaired by Sir Martin Taylor FRS.

RS ACME develops strategic relationships and it is seen as the trusted body on mathematical and quantitative education in schools and colleges. The committee works closely with the Joint Mathematical Council (JMC), Institute of Mathematics and its Applications (IMA), London Mathematical Society (LMS) and The Royal Statistical Society (RSS).

With support from a consortium of industry partners, and its academic partners, RS ACME has overseen the work of the Mathematical Futures Programme.

Mathematics teaching and learning

As part of the Society’s broader work advocating education reform, RS ACME is working towards a world-leading education system in England where all young people develop high levels of mathematical competence and confidence.

In order to achieve this, RS ACME understands the need for highly-effective teachers of mathematics and this vision rests on strong foundations of mathematics-specific knowledge that is gained through a mix of personalised and collaborative learning opportunities.

The committee has investigated a number of specific issues, particularly relating to curriculum and assessment. To do this, it draws on the experience of four Expert Panels spanning different phases of education: