Application process

The Partnership Grants scheme funds schools and colleges up to £3,000 to work in partnership with STEM professionals from academia or industry to run an investigative STEM project.

  • Open date

  • 1st application deadline

  • 2nd application deadline

  • 3rd application deadline

  • Close date

Do you have a great idea for bringing research alive in schools?

The Partnership Grants scheme funds schools and colleges up to £3,000 to work in partnership with STEM professionals from academia or industry to run an investigative STEM project. In June 2021 an external evaluation of the last three years of the scheme was undertaken (covering approximately 100 awarded grants). The report highlighted the success of the scheme and its unique value in a busy UK STEM engagement landscape benefitting students, teachers and STEM professionals alike. The 10 key findings of the report are summarised here (PDF). The scheme is open to both primary and secondary schools, including sixth form colleges. Schools outside of the UK are not eligible to apply. 

Tomorrow's climate scientists is an extension to the Partnership Grants scheme and funds schools specifically researching into climate change and biodiversity. The programme aims to give students not just a voice but an opportunity to take action themselves to address climate and biodiversity issues. 

The 2024 round is now open to new applications

The 2024 funding round is now open to new applications. The form can be accessed via Flexi-Grant® and consists of 2 Stages. The 2024 application round has three possible submission deadlines at the end of April, June and November. A full timeline can be seen here.

To help lead teachers and STEM partners with the application, free online introduction sessions and drop-in applicant support sessions are being run. Sessions can be booked through the Royal Society's Event portal.

Why apply for this scheme?

The scheme:

  • Provides an opportunity for students to develop key skills, including research skills, problem solving skills and data-handling skills, which will be invaluable for their future careers. 
  • Demonstrates the range of STEM careers available to students. 
  • Fosters long-term working relationships between schools and STEM professionals.
  • Fulfills the requirement of Benchmark 8 of the Gatsby Practical Science Benchmarks – ‘Students should have opportunities to do open-ended and extended investigative projects.’ Additionally supports the requirements of the Gatsby Career Benchmarks - ‘Encounters with employers and employees’.

How to apply:

Key dates: 

The 2024 funding round is open to new applications and will remain open across the year with three judging periods. A full timeline can be found here. 

For further information about the scheme please visit the pages below. If you have any questions, please contact the Schools Engagement team at or 0207 451 2531.

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