Organisations Eligible for Royal Society Research Funding

This page outlines the UK organisations eligible to host Royal Society research funding. Some schemes have different eligibility criteria for host organisations so please check scheme notes on the relevant grant page carefully before proceeding. 

All UK Higher Education Institutions that receive research funding from one of the UK higher education funding bodies and all Research Council Institutes are eligible to receive funds from the Royal Society for research and associated activities. 

Public Sector Research Establishments and Independent Research Organisations included in the lists below are automatically eligible to receive funds from the Royal Society for research and associated activities. 

The Royal Society will fund research at other Independent Research Organisations if they meet the following criteria: 

  • The organisation is eligible to receive funding from UK Research and Innovation 
  • The science of the application is within the remit of the Royal Society 

If an applicant and their host organisation meets these criteria they should contact the Royal Society grants team for instructions as to how to apply. For this or any other questions about organisational eligibility please contact the Royal Society grants team on

  • Animal and Plant Health Agency
  • Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science
  • Environment Agency
  • Fera Ltd
  • Forest Research
  • Joint Nature Conservation Committee (JNCC)
  • Marine Scotland Science
  • National Nuclear Laboratory
  • National Physical Laboratory
  • Natural England
  • NatureScot (Scottish Natural Heritage)
  • Science and Advice for Scottish Agriculture
  • UK Health Security Agency

  • Armagh Observatory
  • BirdLife International
  • British Museum
  • CABI (Centre for Agriculture and Bioscience International)
  • Cambridge Arctic Shelf Programme
  • Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre
  • London Institute for Mathematical Sciences
  • Marine Biological Association
  • Moredun Research Institute
  • National Institute of Agricultural Botany
  • National Oceanography Centre
  • Natural History Museum
  • Royal Botanic Gardens – Edinburgh
  • Royal Botanic Gardens – Kew
  • Tate
  • The James Hutton Institute
  • UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
  • Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
  • Oxford Institute for Energy Studies