How to enter the Young People's Book Prize

The call for entries for the 2024 Royal Society Young People’s Book Prize is now closed.

The below are guidelines from the Young People's Book Prize 2024.

To enter

Each book entered must be submitted by the book’s publisher. Before submitting your titles, please ensure you have read and understood all the terms of entry on this page.

For each book you are entering:

  • Complete the full online entry form. A separate form must be completed for each individual title submitted for the prize. 
  • As part of the online form, you will be asked to attach one pdf file of each book (maximum file size: 50 MB). This is not a requirement for entry.
  • Please post seven physical copies of your book to the address below.

 / Young People's Book Prize
The Royal Society
6-9 Carlton House Terrace

Your entry form must reach us by 5pm (BST), Friday 3 May 2024. Physical copies of the book should arrive at the above address by 5pm (BST) on Wednesday 8 May 2024. 

Eligibility criteria

  • Science must be a substantial aspect of the book’s content, narrative or theme.
  • By science, we include scientific knowledge and understanding, the practice of science, depictions of real scientists living or dead, and the history of science. We use science as shorthand for science, engineering, technology, medicine, mathematics, the relationship between science and broader society, and the social function and history of science.
  • Judges will look for books they deem well-written, interesting, stimulating, engaging, accessible, and high-quality.
  • Pure reference works including encyclopedias, educational textbooks, and descriptive books are not eligible.
  • The judges’ decision on the eligibility of an entry is final.
  • Books in the same series may be judged together or separately, at the sole discretion of the judges.
  • The first publication in English must have been between 1 January 2023 and 31 December 2023 inclusive for all books entered. The only exception is for any books in which any member of the judging panel has a direct involvement, which may be deferred for consideration in the following year.
  • Books entered must be in the English language.
  • Books entered must be available for purchase in the UK through a UK bookstore or through an online retailer at time of entry. Books that are in the process of being reprinted at the time of entry (for example, as paperback when originally published as hardback) are acceptable.
  • There is no restriction on the geographical location of the publisher of any entry. There are no restrictions on the nationality, age or any other characteristic of the author(s) or illustrator(s) of any entry.
  • The copies entered must be paper-based and bound. For printed books we would expect the latest edition of the paperback or hardback. For eBooks we would expect the current edition of the eBook, printed and bound. Electronic book submissions alone will not be accepted.
  • Publishers may submit as many books as they wish and are encouraged to do so.
  • Employees and officers of The Royal Society or any associated company of The Royal Society and their immediate families, persons connected with the competition/prize draw and their immediate families will not be eligible to submit publications.


  • There is no charge to enter.
  • The Royal Society Young People’s Book Prize 2024 (the Prize) will be awarded to the author(s) of a book that is judged to best meet with these terms of entry.
  • Books must be submitted by the publisher. The submission of an author’s work by the publisher will be taken as agreement for their work to be considered.
  • In the event of a book being shortlisted for a Prize, publishers agree that they will make at least 700 copies available for purchase in July/August 2024, no later than 4 weeks after being notified of a title being shortlisted.
  • For 2024, prizes of up to a total of £22,500 are awarded. A total of £10,000 is awarded to the author(s) of the winning book. £2,500 per book is awarded to the author(s) of up to five shortlisted books.
  • All the prize money will be awarded as described above and where a book has multiple contributors the publisher has responsibility to agree the allocation of the prize money with all involved parties.
  • The term ‘author(s)’, in reference to the Prize, and within the Prize regulations, refers broadly to all those who contributed to the creation of the book. This can include authors, illustrators and any other contributors.
  • The judging panel is appointed by the Royal Society. The judges’ decision is final.
  • Supply promptly upon notification of shortlisting: book synopsis, author biography, high-resolution electronic photographs of the author(s) and book cover cleared for perpetual, royalty-free use and distribution by the Society or its agents in any media and publicity associated with the Prize.
  • In cooperation and agreement with the Royal Society press office, issue a press release to appropriate contacts about the book’s success in being shortlisted.
  • Assist in securing the participation of shortlisted authors at the event announcing the winner, which will be held on a date to be advised. 
  • Assist in ensuring shortlisted/winning authors are available for other public appearances and events to promote the Prize. This could include: literary festivals, signings, on-line discussions and school activities, as and if they are arranged.
  • Ensure shortlisted authors are available for appropriate levels of media activities ahead of the awards ceremony. The Royal Society will issue a briefing note on nomination to the shortlist advising the expected involvement required.
  • Acknowledge the Prize in subsequent reprints, paperback editions and point of sale material of shortlisted and winning books.
  • The winning title must mention The Royal Society Young People’s Book Prize on the cover, rear or dust jacket on subsequent printings, including the paperback.
  • The prize is managed by the Royal Society, to whom all enquiries about the application of these regulations should be addressed.


General enquiries about the Prize should be sent to

All media enquiries regarding the Prize should be directed to