About the book
People talk a lot about germs, but what actually are they? Open the pages of this friendly book to find out. Discover what bacteria and viruses are, how they can spread and lots of different ways to stop them.
ISBN: 9781474998734
What did the judges think?
Judge and Royal Society Research Fellow Dr Ryan Cooke said: "Not all germs are bad, and this book showcases so many unusual, exciting roles of germs – from making medicines to destroying plastic waste in oceans. This was the book that my daughter went out of her way to steal from me, and she spent hours pulling back the flaps and peering through the gaps in the pages to reveal the hidden facts."
About the author and illustrator
Sarah Hull grew up in London, then studied German and Fine Art in Oxford and Hamburg. She joined Usborne after working at Profile Books and Thames & Hudson, and now spends her time writing about art, investigating germs and devising ways to stave off boredom - all the important things, basically.
Teresa Bellón was born in Albacete, Spain in 1987. She spent a few years wandering around life, studying different things and doing drawings just for her mum and dad; until she finally accepted her fate and did an illustration course in Madrid. As a result, she began working for national and international clients and she has produced several exhibitions. Her references are mainly Portuguese and Nordic illustrators of children's books. Her drawings have a touch of childish charm, reduced ranges of colours and simple compositions. Finally, Teresa doesn’t stay at home waiting for inspiration, she sets out to find it. So she travels, buys illustrated books and walks a lot through Madrid.

Sarah Hull