The Royal Society hosts a programme of scientific meetings each year. Each meeting is organised by leaders in one particular area of science, using their expertise to ensure the key topics are covered. The focus on discussion throughout the meeting allows everyone, at any stage of their scientific career, to get involved in the conversation.
Scientific meetings
Find information on the Royal Society's upcoming scientific meetings, including how to request an invitation and how to register.

Chemical probes for lysosomal biology

Pregnancy at high altitude

The ecology and evolution of microbial immune systems

How medicines can be tailored to African populations

The indirect effects of cytomegalovirus infection: mechanisms and consequences

Microbiome manipulation for health: building a shared narrative

Beyond the microscope: uncovering the secret strategies of a parasitic worm

Beyond the symbols vs signals debate

Gene editing medicines

Chance and purpose in the evolution of biospheres

Privacy for the paranoid ones: the ultimate limits of secrecy